Sharna Osborne presents Renown (Salad Days) , two video works in the Darkside Gallery.
Past Exhibition
Tūrei 29 Mei -
Hātarei 16 Hune
Tuesday 29 May -
Saturday 16 June
Craving the integration ritualistic practice assumes I surmise my own hierarchic renown; I am creator of paradigm and -to the fore- (much coveted) participant.
Glottis 2 is a re-evaluation of an esoteric concoction of catharsis and visual metaphor ( Glottis 1 ), metamorphosed into an esoteric concoction of collaborative experimentation and hooliganism. Noise artist Robert Martelli “was interested in creating something wherein the outcome or end product wasn't as important as the aesthetic value of the process”, thus there was clarification for me as unification between aural and visual becomes organic –not seeking an aural façade of narrative accompaniment- and our hooliganism is founded.
In Family Tree : The Flummox of Equilibria 3 ritual is not esoteric; the nomenclature of mythological creatures dictates their exploits to equate a cyclic eco-system. Sorrowful fate, misunderstanding, physical restraint and pragmatic ruthlessness; all integral for Family Tree’ s success.
Presented alongside Jessica Douglas Threadbare and Alex Monteith A/V Scenario