Past Exhibition


Tūrei 3 -
Hātarei 28

Tuesday 3 -
Saturday 28



In the Upper and Darkside Galleries, Matthew Hammond has chosen to begin simply, with a bus ride through Edinburgh.

For the series of black and photographs that make up */Journey/* Matthew Hammond has chosen to begin simply, with a bus ride through Edinburgh. A static viewpoint out of the bus window limits the seemingly endless possibilities of vantage point available to a photographer. The bus route further constrains possible subject matter to a predetermined linear trajectory through the city. Through these choices Hammond leaves himself only one option - when to press the button. What results is a sampling of the vastly different social, spacial and architectural worlds that make up Edinburgh, where the bus window becomes a familiar formal constant; indexing the role of the camera as a devise for framing reality and forming the only visible link between these potentially disparate images.

Presented alongside Hamish Tocher Overhead Project (Villa of the Mysteries) . In quite different ways Hammond and Tocher both interrogate the conventions and modi operandi of photography.