Past Event

Public Meeting | Samoa House Library

Hātarei 27 Oketopa

Saturday 27 October


Samoa House Library

Public Meeting | Samoa House Library

Public Meeting | Samoa House Library
Saturday 27 October, 11am-1pm.
Free to attend, all welcome.

For additional information on the this weeks programming, visit our website:

On the 28th of March 2018 the NZ Herald published a short article centred around staff cuts at the University of Auckland, and publicised for the first time a proposal to close the branch libraries of Fine Arts, Architecture, and Music, as well as those at the Tamaki and Epsom campuses. Concerned students, graduates and members of the community quickly came together as the Save UoA Fine Arts Library group to protest these closures and demand transparency and meaningful consultation from the University. Regular public meetings were vital as our group grew and began to self-organise effectively. Long, open discussions became spaces for a wide community of affected people to learn, educate, critique, speculate, and plan action. Samoa House Library, a Tāmaki Makaurau based initiative formed out of Save UoA Fine Arts Library, is an open educational platform and community learning space, organised by and for those impacted by the imminent library closures. Samoa House Library would like to invite you to a public meeting at Blue Oyster Art Project Space at from 11am-1pm on Saturday the 27th of October. The meeting’s discussion will be centred around the recently announced closure of the Art History Department at the University of Otago with a focus on planning or preparing a potential future action.

Samoa House Library is;
- A library collection built upon donations from our community of artists, collectors,
publishing houses, writers, and galleries.
- An open and inclusive study space, meeting place and working site.
- A space for group discussions, classes, lectures, workshops and office hours.
- A reading room with internet access including subscriptions to online databases
and resources.
- A space for exhibitions, performances, book launches and screenings.

For more information about Samoa House Library, visit their website here: