Past Exhibition

Untitled (pornography).

Tūrei 3 -
Hātarei 21

Tuesday 3 -
Saturday 21


Untitled (pornography)

West Side space, Wellington based artist Richard Reddaway presents Untitled (pornography), questioning the object and the idea of 'objectness', as well as space itself.

West Side space, Wellington based artist Richard Reddaway presents Untitled (pornography). Reddaway questions the object and the idea of 'objectness', as well as space itself, thereby continuing his line of exploration into non-linear models of time/space structuring.

"The intention of this project is to investigate some of the mechanisms used in pornographic representations of the body in order to better understand how pornography 'works'. It involves the development of an operation, or set of operations that 'lower' imagery rendering it more (or less) pornographic. The installation of cut, folded and assembled paper objects infect the space of the gallery in ways analogous to a virus infecting the body."

Presented alongside Don Hunter Jugger-naught . Both exhibitions work with critiquing, destroying or changing representations of the body.