Unpacking the definition of ‘insider’ within the publicly funded contemporary arts space, Tiger Murdoch have sought and collated visual, written and verbal responses to the term in their exhibition, The Insider.
Past Exhibition
Wenerei 27 Hepetema -
Hātarei 21 Oketopa
Wednesday 27 September -
Saturday 21 October
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
The basic poster, or paste-up, Tiger Murdoch’s tool of choice, has been seen throughout Ōtepoti and on social media for the month’s prior to this exhibition giving voice to anyone who chooses to engage with and respond to the campaign. Using public space; street and gallery, as a site for response to inequality, allows for the propaganda-like campaign to act as the catalyst for conversation and directly questions the hierarchies that govern culture and critical thinking.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tiger Murdoch, The Insider, 2017.
Tāmaki Makaurau-based collaborative duo, Kelly Pretty and Matt Dowman aka Tiger Murdoch work as Artist and Activist, posing confrontational questions about social welfare, gentrification, political turmoil and global injustice to the public. Recent exhibitions include: White Night, Pah Homestead, Auckland (2017); New Perspectives with Simon Denny, Artspace, Auckland (2016); Artists without Borders, Mississippi, USA (2016).