Hiltons work transforms the usually non-commercial environment of the Blue Oysters Upper Gallery into retail bliss: a CLEARANCE SALE!
Past Exhibition
Tūrei 6 Mei -
Mane 31 Māehe
Tuesday 6 May -
Monday 31 March
Hilton's work transforms the usually non-commercial environment of the Blue Oysters Upper Gallery into retail bliss- a CLEARANCE SALE! Visitors are invited to browse the racks of t-shirts brandishing lofty postmodern slogans with the finesse of a bumper-sticker and make purchases on the night at the drastically reduced rate of $15. Each T-shirt features Nick Spratt's unique Liberate Freedom font. The sale runs for one night only, T-shirts will return to their original price of $75 after opening night. Women’s and Men’s sizes are available.
“No one appears to really know what to do with Postmodernism. This could be a bigger problem than Modernism itself, which Postmodernism has sought to disavow. Reactionary to its end, Postmodernism has embraced anything alternative, Eastern, or medieval, creating fads in its wake. Its gurus have set themselves up as anti-expert experts, generating a lot of anxious babble from the safety of their privileged positions. To this observer, it reeks of a mixture of nostalgia, misology and cowardice. The sloganed T-Shirts might seem cheap at $15 each, but clearance sales have their purpose. Your blue may not be my blue, but if we jump from a 30-story building, both blues become irrelevant. Relative knowledge is relative. Trust me, I am a doctor.” - Craig Hilton, June 2007
The project comes to Dunedin after success at Auckland’s Room103 in 2007.
Hilton is an Auckland based artist who graduated with MFA from Elam School of Fine art in 2003. His work has been exhibited widely in New Zealand and reached the USA and Germany. He is also a freelance writer publishing reviews in various New Zealand Publications.
Presented alongside Hayley Williams BANG! BANG! BANG! and Magbh McIntyre How To Draw Trees