Past Exhibition


Tūrei 28 Ākuhata -
Hātarei 29 Hepetema

Tuesday 28 August -
Saturday 29 September


Image: Polly Stanton, Hallway, 2012. 

Image: Polly Stanton, Hallway, 2012. 

Presented in the Audio Visual Gallery, Hallway investigates how time and the implication of drama can affect the reading of an image, generating anticipatory suspense.

The assumed narrative is dislocated by the removal of the climax and the viewer’s expectation of time and occurrence is disturbed. This work also takes into consideration the long take and its effect on cinematic space.

Hallway is a development of Stanton's practice which utilises the temporal mediums of video and sound to investigate cinema's power to shape and reflect human experiences of place and environment. Stanton’s work often engages with duration, cinematic codes and landscape to consider the intersection between the spaces of film and the spaces of geography.

Polly Stanton graduated from RMIT (Melbourne) with a Master of Fine Art in 2010. Earlier this year Stanton was the Nes Artist Resident in Skagaströnd, Iceland.

Presented alongside Hayden Prujean and Carlos Wedde Deep Sea Dis-comedusae and James R Ford Snake Pis  .