Past Exhibition

Grip and Release: Hold Us Close Like a Child .

Hātarei 10 -
Tāite 15

Saturday 10 -
Thursday 15


In the Lower Gallery, Grip and Release: Hold Us Close Like a Child Emma Chalmers consists of a large round bottom flask attached to a pulley system in the roof.

Grip and Release: Hold Us Close Like a Child Emma Chalmers consists of a large round bottom flask (used for heating chemicals in a Science Lab) attached to a pulley system in the roof. Every eight minutes the motor activates the pulleys for two minutes, causing the flask to spin faster until it oscillates aggressively in mid air. The water inside the vessel responds to the movement by fluctuating up and down the internal glass surface like a living organism, projecting luminous forms on the surrounding environment.

Click to view video documentation (Vimeo)

Presented alongside the 2012 Blue Oyster Performance Series