What does community engagement mean to you? What is a community practice? What does local mean today?
A workshop exploring, connecting and localising the art making process.
Join us to workshop these ideas and more on Saturday 11 October, along with a welcome/introduction on Friday evening.
Past Event
Community Practices Workshop, 2014
Lead by Amiria Puia-Taylor
Amiria Puia-Taylor is a recent graduate of the Manukau School of Visual Arts and is currently the 2014 Creative New Zealand Pasifika Intern at Tautai Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust (Special Projects and Arts Administration). Using public art as a platform for positive social change and development, Amiria is interested in working within local communities to facilitate ideas, maximise community participation and celebrate cultural identity. Working through Tautai, a trust promoting and supporting contemporary pacific artists in New Zealand, Amiria's internship covers all aspects of art projects and administration, from running Fresh Horizon workshops for secondary schools, to tertiary exhibitions and trips that encourage networking and professional development for students.
Amiria is also a Youth Development Facilitator for Nga Rangatahi Toa Creative Arts Initiative and has undertaken an internship at Auckland War Memorial Museum focusing on Learning and Engagement. In 2011, Amiria founded Painting for the People, a mural arts initiative in Otara designed to create a social dialogue amongst local tamariki, taiohi and their whanaus encouraging community ownerships and stronger relationships with local authorities.
Amiria will be spending 5 weeks in Dunedin as a part of her Internship in September-October.
Click here to learn more about Amiria's projects (Vimeo)
Friday 10 October, 5.30pm: Welcome/introduction
Saturday 11 October, 11am - 3pm: Workshop
Applicants sent us: a brief paragraph explaining your interests, goals and ideas for community practices