[Eddy] is a sound installation designed to pierce, encircle and project audio around and through Audio Visual Gallery.
Past Exhibition
Tūrei 24 Hūrae -
Hātarei 25 Ākuhata
Tuesday 24 July -
Saturday 25 August
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Repetitive drones, beeps and hums sampled from field recordings during an MRI procedure are reconfigured, shaped and layered to pan and reverberate in a 5.1 surround sound environment.
In [Eddy], Booth and Crowe have worked with aural documentation as referent to build a work that experiments with occupants’ tolerance of an intermittently hostile environment. The eight-minute loop surveys characteristics common to both sound and space; implied motion, tensile qualities and disjuncture are extrapolated through intersecting audio trajectories, revolving mechanistic patterns and foreboding underbelly.
An encounter with [Eddy] provokes a physical and emotional response through a sense of allure, disorientation and suspense. Frequencies and directionality in the surrounding sound form a fluid entity that inhabits and traverses the confined interior space. [Eddy] builds an environment that contains contradiction, a dense and overpowering construction inviting occupants to be snared in an atmosphere of disruption and control.
Click to view video documentation (Vimeo)
Booth and Crowe are both Auckland-based and have worked collaboratively since 2005. Eldon Booth is a writer/director with a Bachelor of Visual Arts who has exhibited moving image works nationally and internationally since 2001. Deborah Crowe is a graduate of Glasgow School of Art, has exhibited nationally and internationally since 1986 and is currently Principal Lecturer at the School of Visual Arts, Manukau Institute of Technology.
This project has received support from Manukau Institute of Technology’s Research, Development and Technology Transfer Fund.
Presented alongside Sian Torrington Caves are made of rock but not this cave and Karin Strachan Under the Rose
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.
Image: Deborah Crowe and Eldon Booth, [Eddy], 2012.